Posts filed under UN Ocean Conference 2017

Daniel Davis: A not-so-distant future

I’m a Kiwi, a beach boy who has grown up by the sea, tasted the salt, and swum with the dolphins. The ocean defines us as it defines our nation, yet the degradation of our oceans is only exceeded by that our land. Our future is in our nature, but we have failed to take seriously our responsibilities as kaitiaki (~guardians) of the land.

Posted on May 26, 2017 and filed under UN Ocean Conference 2017.

Emily Joy Frost: For "Her"

. Finally, the nations of this world are coming together to address all of this, to sign commitments, albeit voluntary, and the leaders of this world to face the problem and move forward together. I am just hoping that New Zealand, while boasting its “pure and green” image, will actually join the arms race to fight ocean change, before it is too late.  

Tegan Arnold: Adventure to action

I grew up around the water. Family holidays were spent pottering around on our boat in the Hauraki Gulf, or making sandcastles in Whangamata with my cousins. There was a time where the only summer pocket money I earned was for completing the $10 challenge, a series of water based ‘survival’ challenges off the back of the boat. We were always taught that while the ocean was beautiful, and could provide hours of wonder and fun, it was also to be treated with the utmost respect.

Posted on May 25, 2017 and filed under UN Ocean Conference 2017.