Lisa McLaren on convening the Zero Carbon Act Campaign

Lisa McLaren was awarded the Queen’s Service Medal in recognition of her work as the National Convenor of the youth-led Generation Zero campaign for the Zero Carbon Act.

Lisa, an AYLI alumni, spoke to us about her journey from “reluctant activist” to full-time campaigner (as in, she literally quit her normal job to volunteer all her time to this cause). Lisa, along with a team of young people, managed to get a landmark law passed by Parliament. This is the story of that journey. 

Leadership Journey’s is a series based on the premise that sharing one person's experiences can potentially influence many others. This is a part of a collection of short conversations we’ve been having during this challenging time.

Tēnā koe Lisa.

Let us know if this is useful on your journey, or for someone you know :)

Posted on May 12, 2020 .