Rui Peng on Creativity Leveraging Technology and Entrepreneurship

Rui Peng is a husband, father, and social entrepreneur.

The question that guides his work and life is: ‘How can I align my deepest desire with the world’s deepest need?’ Rui, based in Mt Roskill, Auckland, has set out to answer this question by combining two problems - 1. the need to find solutions to dealing with plastic waste, and 2. the need for stable employment in low socio-economic areas - into one personal project, his company, Critical.

Leadership Journey’s is a series based on the premise that sharing one person's experiences can potentially influence many others. This is a part of a collection of short conversations we’ve been having during this challenging time.
Tēnā koe Rui.

Let us know if this is useful on your journey, or for someone you know

Posted on May 19, 2020 .